Thursday, August 13, 2009

Boilers and Classrooms

The work on the new boiler and the model classroom has finally begun! This week workers have been making things ready in both the boiler room and the upstairs classroom for the installation and renovations respectively! Thanks to all on the Building Renovation Committee who have been hard at work over the spring and summer!

Speaking of classrooms . . . . Abby Peterson tells me she is still looking for a few teachers for the fall. Our church school is one of the best in our area, and our teachers are the heart and soul of the program. Abby provides training and assistance, you do not need to be a professional teacher to help out. In fact, what you need most is a commitment to helping kids learn how best to love and serve God and neighbor! If you’d like more information or you’d like to volunteer to be part of our dynamic teaching team, please e-mail Abby at or

One last thought: help us recruit new kids and families! Your recommendation is the most important recruitment tool of all!

I will be in Scotland this Sunday, and our guest preacher at the 10:00 AM service will be the Rev. Heather Hopkins.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Charlotte Stacey Selected as Music Director

The search for a new Director of Music has been successfully completed. The Search Committee, which included Susie Benton, Jeff Boak, Craig Matheson, Linda Yingling, and myself, reviewed twelve resumes, interviewed and auditioned five candidates. Utilizing criteria drawn from the congregational survey done this spring, we have chosen Charlotte Stacey to fill this important position. Charlotte brings an extensive background in music to the work. She has over thirty years of experience directing music programs in churches here in Connecticut. For more details about the search process and about Charlotte, please click here.

Our Acting Director of Music, Heather Hamilton, will be with us through the end of August. Please join us on August 30th following the 10:00 AM service as we take time to thank her for her fine work over the last year.

This weekend we host the beach service which will feature Holy Communion. Communion will also be served here at the 10:00 AM service. During the summer months we serve communion by intinction. Folks come to the front of the worship area and, after taking a bit of bread, dip it into the cup of juice. If for some reason you cannot come forward we will be happy to bring communion to you in your seat. Doing communion this way provides a different experience of the sacrament which is especially meaningful to some of our members from different denominational backgrounds. It also makes for less work for our Deacons, and allows them to also have a time of refreshment and renewal in the summer!

See you here or at the beach this weekend!

John Danner